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The benefits of magnesium for better sleep

The benefits of magnesium for better sleep

Unlock the secret to a good night's sleep - magnesium! A comprehensive guide to show you how such a ubiquitous but overlooked mineral can change the quality of your sleep every night. Want to know how magnesium can help you have a better night's sleep, be healthier and more energised? Read on to explore the science behind it all and find out what works best for you.


What is Magnesium?

  • Basic Definition and Role of Magnesium


Magnesium, an essential mineral for life, plays a vital role in many physiological processes in the body.


Magnesium is involved in about 300 different enzymatic reactions that affect everything from energy conversion to protein synthesis.


It is vital for the nervous system, heart, muscles, and bones.


  • The Importance of Magnesium in the Body


Magnesium plays a very important role in our body:


It is vital for heart health as it stabilises heart rhythms, lowers high blood pressure and prevents heart disease.


Magnesium helps our muscles to relax and prevents muscle spasms.


Vital to our nervous system as it stabilises neurotransmission and helps with anxiety and depression.


Explore the next section where we will learn how magnesium affects our sleep.


How Magnesium Affects Sleep

  • The relationship between magnesium and the nervous system


Magnesium can help regulate the nervous system and reduce stress, making it easier to fall into deep sleep.


Magnesium stabilises neurotransmission and relieves anxiety and tension.

Magnesium increases levels of GABA in the brain, a neurotransmitter that helps the brain relax and improve sleep quality.


  • Magnesium and Sleep Hormones


Magnesium also balances and regulates hormones in the body, including the sleep hormone melatonin.


Magnesium can help regulate the biological clock and increase melatonin production.


Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, and increasing its production can help us fall asleep more easily and improve the quality of our sleep.


Now that we know how magnesium affects our sleep, let's take a look at the other benefits of magnesium.


Other Magnesium Benefits

  • Benefits for Blood Pressure and Heart


Magnesium is not only good for sleep, it also helps control blood sugar, lower blood pressure, and protect heart health.


Magnesium can help stabilise blood pressure and prevent hypertension.

Magnesium regulates insulin production and helps control blood sugar.

Magnesium prevents hardening of the arteries and protects heart health.


  • Benefits for muscles and bones


Magnesium helps in the absorption of calcium, thus maintaining bone health, as well as relieving muscle fatigue and cramps.


Magnesium enhances calcium absorption, which is very important for maintaining bone density.

Magnesium relaxes muscles and prevents and relieves muscle cramps.

However, despite all the benefits of magnesium, it should not be consumed in excess, so let's take a look at the risks of magnesium.


Risks of Magnesium

  • Side effects of excessive intake


Despite the many benefits of magnesium, consuming too much can lead to some side effects such as diarrhoea and kidney problems.


Excessive intake of magnesium may lead to diarrhoea, drowsiness and muscle weakness.

In extreme cases, excessive magnesium intake may affect heart function and may even lead to cardiac arrest.


  • Recommended magnesium intake


The recommended daily intake of magnesium for adults is generally between 310-420mg.


If you are considering taking magnesium through supplements, it is best to consult your doctor first.

The recommended magnesium intake varies for different ages, genders and health conditions.

Now, let's take a look at how magnesium differs from melatonin, another common sleep aid.


Magnesium vs Melatonin

  • Differences in Mechanism of Action


Magnesium and melatonin are both natural supplements that promote sleep, but they differ in their mechanism of action and side effects.


Melatonin improves sleep primarily by regulating the biological clock.

Magnesium, on the other hand, improves sleep through multiple pathways, including regulating neurotransmitters and relaxing muscles.


  • Choosing which sleep supplement is better for you


Choose the sleep supplement that is best for you based on your individual needs and possible side effects.


If your main problem is difficulty falling asleep, then melatonin may be better for you.

If your problem is waking up easily or poor sleep quality, then magnesium may be better for you.

Mattress choice is also an integral part of finding the best sleep solution. As a Suilong brand, we have 25 years of experience specialising in mattresses, focusing on ergonomics and providing scientific sleep solutions.


How to use magnesium to improve sleep

  • Getting magnesium through food

Nuts, legumes, and whole grains are all magnesium-rich foods.


Supplementing magnesium through food is usually safer because magnesium in food is more easily absorbed by the body.

Choosing magnesium-rich foods such as almonds, spinach, and beans can help make it easier for you to meet your recommended daily intake.


  • Choosing the right magnesium supplement


There are a variety of magnesium supplements available on the market, such as magnesium oil and magnesium tablets, and which one you choose needs to be based on your personal needs and your doctor's advice.


Magnesium oil is a magnesium supplement that can be sprayed directly on the skin and is suitable for skin absorption.

Magnesium tablets are usually taken orally, but it is best to use them on the advice of your doctor.


  • Benefits of a magnesium salt bath


Magnesium can also be absorbed effectively by soaking in magnesium-rich bath salts.


Magnesium salt baths can help relax muscles and relieve stress.

Absorbing magnesium through the skin avoids some of the digestive side effects that may be associated with oral magnesium supplements.


Now you have a comprehensive understanding of how magnesium can help improve sleep and how to choose and use the right magnesium products. Remember, the best quality sleep comes from multiple areas of focus and improvement. From choosing the right magnesium supplements to selecting a professionally designed mattress, every detail counts. By the way, speaking of mattresses, check out the Suilong brand. We specialise in researching ergonomics and use our 25 years of professional experience to provide you with scientific sleep solutions. Ready to start a new sleep experience? Click here to start your journey to healthy sleep!




Q: What is magnesium and how does it relate to sleep?

A: Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in over 300 enzyme reactions in the human body. It has been linked to better sleep because it helps regulate neurotransmitters, which send signals between the nervous system and the brain. A lack of magnesium can lead to insomnia and poor sleep quality.


Q: Is taking a magnesium supplement safe for improving sleep?

A: While magnesium is generally considered safe for most adults when taken in moderate amounts, it's always a good idea to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking other medications. Excessive magnesium intake can lead to gastrointestinal issues and other side effects.


Q: How does magnesium compare to melatonin for sleep improvement?

A: Both magnesium and melatonin have been shown to improve sleep, but they work in slightly different ways. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, whereas magnesium helps relax the nervous system and prepare the body for sleep. Some people find that a combination of both provides the most restful sleep.


Q: Can I get magnesium from my diet instead of taking a supplement?

A: Absolutely, foods like nuts, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains are good sources of magnesium. However, modern diets are often lacking in magnesium-rich foods, so even with a balanced diet, you may still not get the required amount needed for optimal sleep.


Q: Are there different types of magnesium supplements available?

A: Yes, there are several types of magnesium supplements, including magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, and magnesium glycinate, among others. Each type has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, so you may need to try more than one to find which works best for you.


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