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How to Treat Momsomnia?

How to Treat Momsomnia?


Unlock the secrets to conquering Momsomnia! If you're a mom losing sleep, you're not alone. Dive in to explore the complex world of ‘Momsomnia,’ its triggers, and proven strategies for a peaceful night's sleep.


1. What is "Momsomnia"?


"Momsomnia, or Momsomnia, is usually not a simple extension of regular insomnia, but a specific type of insomnia that afflicts new mothers and mothers with young children. This type of insomnia combines physical, psychological and environmental factors that make it difficult for mums to fall or stay asleep.


We need to be clear that it is not ordinary insomnia

Whereas normal insomnia may be influenced only by the environment or lifestyle habits, "mummy insomnia" has multiple triggers. These include, but are not limited to, hormonal changes, physical fatigue, and the stress of having a child in your care at all times.


Hormones are an important influence

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers experience dramatic hormonal fluctuations. Hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin not only affect the physical state of the body, but also significantly disrupt the sleep cycle.


Children are the new "stressors"

In addition to hormones, the needs of the child are also a factor to be reckoned with. A crying baby, the need to feed and change nappies, etc. can interrupt a mother's sleep cycle.


Psychological stress cannot be ignored

New mums are particularly vulnerable to anxiety, tension and stress. Worrying about the health of the child, whether she is a good mother or how to balance work and family may make it more difficult for mum to sleep at night.


Environmental adjustments become necessary

Changes in the pace of life and adjustments in the home environment can also be triggers for "mummy insomnia". After the birth of a child, many mums may need to adjust their routine and home environment to suit their child's needs, which can also lead to insomnia.


2. Causes of Momsomnia


Mums, let's face it: Momsomnia is not a one-factor problem; its causes are physical, psychological and environmental. To deal with it effectively, you need to have a deep understanding of these causes. Now, let's analyse these factors one by one.


Hormonal overhaul: the effects are more far-reaching than you think

During childbirth and breastfeeding, our body's hormones go through highs and lows like a roller coaster. This fluctuation not only affects mood, but also takes a direct hit on sleep quality. For example, the prolactin hormone Bolden can drop dramatically after breastfeeding, which often causes us to wake up frequently late at night.


Your child needs you: a constant source of distraction

The needs of babies and small children are unpredictable. They may cry during the night, need a nappy change or feeding, all of which can interrupt your sleep. Even if you return to bed, the psychological tension can make it difficult to fall asleep again.


Mental burden: Stress from multiple roles

As mothers, wives, career women and other multiple role players, we often feel stressed. This pressure not only exists during the day, but even extends to the night, making it difficult for us to relax, which in turn affects our sleep.


Poor Environment: An Important Factor That Cannot Be Ignored

Believe it or not, the environment has an equally huge impact on sleep. A room that is too warm, too brightly lit or noisy can prevent you from falling asleep or affect the quality of your sleep.


Lifestyle habits: Negligence often leads to big problems

Working at night, drinking coffee or eating heavy food may cause a disturbance in your biological clock, which is a big cause of Momsomnia.


3. Why do mums in particular need quality sleep?


Physical recovery: not just a need, but a priority

The body undergoes multiple physiological changes during pregnancy and the postnatal period, from fluctuating hormone levels to changes in the body's structure, all of which take a huge toll on the body. Quality sleep directly accelerates cell regeneration and promotes recovery. So don't think of quality sleep as a luxury, but make it a priority for your body's recovery.


Mental health: it directly affects you and your family's mental state

Lack of sleep not only makes you feel tired, it also affects your mental health. Anxiety, irritability and low mood - these can become mental burdens that further affect your family and children. A good quality sleep empowers you to face life's challenges better with a clear mind and a pleasant mood.


Immunity boost: A good night's sleep is the best "defence wall"

Adequate and quality sleep has been proven to boost the functioning of the immune system. Mothers often have to take care of their children and families, which makes them more susceptible to various germs. A strong immune system helps mums to better fight off illnesses and maintain the health of the family.


Child education: a good night's sleep makes you more patient and productive

With quality sleep, you will find yourself more patient and efficient in educating your children. You are able to focus more and provide more positive feedback, which leads to better guidance for your child.


You deserve the best!

Quality sleep not only contributes to physical health and mental balance, it also significantly improves quality of life. At Suilong, we specialise in researching ergonomic and scientific sleep solutions just so that every mum can have a quality night's sleep.


4. How to Improve Sleep Environment to Treat Momsomnia


Improving the sleep environment is not just a simple lifestyle change, it plays a key role in treating Momsomnia. The sleep environment directly affects our mental and physical state, which in turn determines the quality of sleep. Below I will break down how to proactively improve the sleep environment to help mums cope better with Momsomnia.


Room temperature and air quality

Adjust the room temperature to 18-22 degrees Celsius, which is the temperature range that most people find comfortable. Also, make sure the air quality is good and consider using an air purifier to remove bacteria and dust.


Adjust the light

Switch off all harsh light sources and use warm lighting to create a warm and cosy atmosphere. Alternatively, you can use a bedside lamp with a timer so that it will automatically switch off when you go to sleep.


Choose a specialised mattress and pillow

At Suilong, we specialise in bioscience and orthopaedic design to provide scientific sleep solutions. Choosing a mattress and pillow that is right for you can significantly improve the quality of your sleep.


Noise Control

For noise-sensitive mums, we recommend using a white noise machine to mask external disturbances or earplugs to isolate noise.


Keep electronics out of the bedroom

Avoid using mobile phones, tablets or TVs in the bedroom. The blue light emitted by electronics can suppress the production of melatonin (a sleep-aiding hormone).


Eating habits

Avoid caffeinated or high-sugar foods and drinks before bed. These substances may interfere with your sleep.


Pet Problems

As cute as pets are, do not allow them to share your bed as pets may move around at night, which will undoubtedly affect your sleep.


5. Mum-approved ways to ease Momsomnia


Mums, when we talk about Momsomnia, do you feel like it literally describes you? Rest assured, it's not just you. The good news is that here are a set of mum-approved ways to relieve Momsomnia.They are not only easy to follow, but also useful.


1. Take regular breaks

Try adjusting your rest schedule to be more regular. For example, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day will help adjust your biological clock, making it easier to get into a deeper sleep.


Suggested action: Set an alarm to remind you to go to bed, and after a week of this, you'll find that you no longer need the alarm reminder.


2. Eat selectively

Take caffeine and high-sugar foods off the dinner menu; they can interfere with the quality of your sleep. Instead, eat more protein and fibre-rich foods, like oats and bananas.


Suggested action: Prepare dinner an hour earlier and make sure it doesn't include caffeine and high-sugar foods.


3. Create a relaxing bedtime ritual

Whether it's reading, meditating or taking a hot bath, find an activity that completely relaxes you and stick to it every night.


Suggested Action: Starting today, pick a relaxing activity that you enjoy and add it to your bedtime ritual.


4. Try deep breathing and stretching

Muscle tension and shortness of breath can exacerbate insomnia symptoms. You can try some simple deep breathing and stretching to slow down these symptoms.


Suggested Action: Spend 5 minutes deep breathing and stretching before getting ready for bed.


5. Limit the use of electronic devices

The blue light emitted by mobile phones and TV screens can suppress melatonin production, which can interfere with sleep. Try to avoid using these devices one hour before bedtime.


Suggested action: Switch off your mobile phone, tablet and TV one hour before bedtime and do something that doesn't involve electronic screens instead.


6. How to maintain healthy sleep habits in the long run


Healthy sleep is not an impulse, but the result of a long battle. You need a plan of action and a set of sustainable strategies. So, let's dive into how to maintain healthy sleep habits over time.


Create a Consistent Schedule

Don't underestimate the power of a consistent schedule. Doing so will adjust your biological clock and get your body used to naturally falling asleep and waking up at specific times.


Creating your schedule

  • Establish a regular bedtime and wake-up time.
  • Avoid intense mental or physical activity for an hour closer to bedtime.
  • Incorporate moderate exercise
  • Moderate exercise can help improve sleep quality, but timing is critical.


An exercise plan is as follows:

  • Choose late afternoon or early evening for moderate-intensity exercise.
  • Avoid high-intensity exercise within three hours of falling asleep.
  • Adjust your eating habits

What you eat directly affects the quality of your sleep.


Make the move to adjust your diet:

  • Reduce your caffeine and sugar intake.
  • Include sleep-aiding foods such as bananas, almonds or oats in your dinner.
  • Use natural remedies

Natural remedies such as aromatherapy, meditation and deep breathing can help you sleep.


Naturopathic Action Steps:

  • Perform deep breathing or meditation within half an hour of approaching sleep.
  • Do a simple aromatherapy session with essential oils of lavender or chamomile before bedtime.
  • Choose scientific sleep products

Not only the mattress, but the choice of pillows and sheets is extremely crucial.


Invest in your sleep environment

At Suilong, we specialise in ergonomics, combining bioscience and orthopaedic design to provide scientific sleep solutions. Choose a mattress and pillow that's right for you, and make them your right hand in maintaining a healthy night's sleep over the long term.


Monitor and adjust

The quality of your sleep is not static and needs to be constantly monitored and adjusted.


Start using a sleep tracking tool:

  • Use a sleep tracker or app to record your sleep patterns.
  • Analyse the data and make adjustments as needed.


Wave goodbye to sleepless nights! Armed with this knowledge, you're ready to tackle Momsomnia head-on. Elevate your sleep quality and reclaim your well-deserved rest now!




Q: What is Momsomnia and is it different from regular insomnia?

A: Momsomnia is a specific type of insomnia that commonly affects new moms and mothers with young children. Unlike regular insomnia, Momsomnia is often triggered by a combination of hormonal changes, physical exhaustion, and the stress of caring for a child.


Q: Are there any medical treatments for Momsomnia?

A: While medication is available for general insomnia, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider for a personalized treatment plan. For Momsomnia, non-pharmacological methods like lifestyle changes and cognitive-behavioral therapy are often recommended first.


Q: Can diet and exercise impact Momsomnia?

A: Absolutely. Diet and exercise can significantly affect sleep quality. Eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients and engaging in regular exercise can contribute to better sleep. However, avoid strenuous activities close to bedtime.


Q: How can I adjust my sleeping environment to alleviate Momsomnia?

A: Optimizing your sleeping environment can make a big difference. Consider blackout curtains, white noise machines, and keeping the bedroom cool to improve sleep quality. A quality mattress can also impact your sleep, so choose one that suits your comfort needs.


Q: Is Momsomnia a long-term condition?

A: The duration of Momsomnia varies from person to person and often depends on the underlying causes. For many, it’s a phase that passes as the child grows and sleeps for longer stretches. However, if symptoms persist, consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.


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