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Mattress Comfort Guide

Finding the ideal mattress can be confusing, but Suilong Mattress Manufacturing is here to help you choose wisely. Learn about the importance of mattress firmness and how to choose the best mattress firmness level for your individual needs and sleeping habits, whether it's a soft mattress, a medium firm mattress, or a firm mattress, Suilong Mattress has expert advice and quality products for you. Let's take a deeper look at the various levels of mattress firmness to help you make the best choice.

The Importance of Mattress Firmness

firm mattress

The choice of mattress firmness is one of the key factors in sleep quality that not only affects our sleep experience but also has a profound impact on our health and overall quality of life. Here, we will discuss the importance of mattress firmness in detail, based on our knowledge of sleep health and mattresses.

The Impact of Mattress Firmness on Sleep Quality

Mattress firmness has a direct impact on our sleep experience and sleep quality. A mattress that is right for us should provide enough support to allow for even distribution of body weight, reduce pressure on pressure points, and keep our spine well aligned during sleep.

This balance can be upset when we choose a mattress that is too firm or too soft. A mattress that is too firm may put too much pressure on the body's pressure points (such as the shoulders, hips, and ankles), leading to discomfort and pain. Conversely, a mattress that is too soft may not provide enough support to the body, causing excessive twisting or bending of the spine and joints, which can trigger back and neck pain.

Both of these conditions can disrupt our sleep, causing us to wake up frequently during the night and to wake up tired and achy in the morning. Therefore, finding a mattress with the right amount of firmness that provides adequate support and effectively reduces pressure at pressure points is crucial to ensuring the quality of our sleep.

The Impact of mattress firmness on our health

Mattress firmness also has a profound effect on our physical health. Our spine is the central axis of our body, which supports our head, shoulders, and pelvis and keeps our body aligned. During sleep, we need a mattress that supports the spine in maintaining its natural curve to minimize back and neck pain.

In addition, proper mattress firmness improves blood circulation and reduces muscle tension and stress, thus helping us recover better at night. Choosing the right mattress firmness is even more critical for people with specific health conditions such as spinal disorders, arthritis, or obesity.

Overall, choosing the right mattress firmness is crucial to our sleep quality and health. It can help us get deeper sleep, reduce pain and discomfort, and improve our quality of life. In order to achieve this goal, we need to understand our sleeping habits and physical needs, try out mattresses of different firmnesses, and find the best mattress firmness level for us.

Understanding Mattress Firmness Levels: Getting a Better Night's Sleep

mattress firmness level

Choosing the right mattress firmness level is important for improving sleep quality and protecting your health. Understanding the different mattress firmness levels and how to determine which firmness level you need can be very helpful when purchasing a new mattress and improving your sleep experience.

The Difference Between Mattress Firmness Levels

There are four main categories of mattress firmness levels: Soft, Medium, Firm, and Extra Firm. Each firmness level has its own unique characteristics and applicability.

  • Soft: This mattress has the highest pressure response, allowing your body to sink into the mattress and providing more pressure release. However, a mattress that is too soft may not provide enough support for your spine, which can lead to back pain or other discomfort.
  • Medium Firm Mattress: This type of mattress finds a balance between soft and firm, providing good pressure release while still providing proper support for the spine. This firm mattress is suitable for most people.
  • Firm mattress: A firm mattress deforms less under the weight of the body and provides less pressure release, but provides good support for the spine. Firm mattresses may be more suitable for back sleepers or obese people.
  • Very Firm: A very firm mattress provides minimal pressure release and is suitable for those who need maximum spinal support, such as those with severe back pain.

Understanding the characteristics of these four firmness levels and who they are can help us make better mattress choices.

How to determine the mattress firmness level you need

When choosing a mattress firmness level, we need to consider several factors.

  1. Your weight: Lighter people may be better suited for a soft mattress because they may not be able to generate enough pressure on a firm mattress to get a comfortable pressure release. Conversely, heavier people may need a firmer mattress to provide adequate support and prevent excessive sinking.
  1. Your Sleeping Position: Side sleepers usually need a soft to medium-firm mattress to conform to their body contours and take pressure off their shoulders and hips. Back and stomach sleepers may need a firmer mattress to prevent their lower back from bending or sinking excessively.
  1. Your personal preference: Some people naturally prefer a soft mattress, while others prefer a firm mattress. Your personal preference is also an important factor in choosing the firmness of your mattress.

By taking these factors into consideration, you can determine the mattress firmness level that is best for you. However, remember that everyone is unique and no one firmness level is right for everyone. The best way to find the firmness level that works best for you is to try it out for yourself.

Characteristics of soft mattresses and who they are for a detailed analysis of comfort and adaptability

firm mattress topper

Soft mattresses offer a soft, cloud-like sleeping experience that makes you feel as if you are gently wrapped in the mattress. They are often favored for their greater responsiveness and adaptability under heavy body pressure. This type of mattress is perfect for some specific sleepers, but may not work for others. Below, we'll explore the characteristics of soft mattresses and who they're suitable for in more detail.

The feel and experience of a soft mattress

The main feature of a soft mattress is its cloud-like comfort and adaptability. When you lie on a soft mattress, you will feel your body sink into the mattress slightly, due to the mattress's higher responsiveness to heavy body pressure. This sinking-in sensation can help relieve pressure at pressure points, providing a sense of envelopment that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Another feature of a soft mattress is its adaptability. This mattress adapts to the contours of your body to provide personalized support and comfort. This means that the mattress can provide support where your body needs it while releasing pressure at your pressure points.

Pros and Cons of Soft Mattresses

The main advantage of a soft mattress is its comfort and pressure-releasing ability. It can help reduce pressure at pressure points, preventing pain and discomfort. In addition, its adaptability can provide personalized support to help keep your spine aligned.

However, soft mattresses have their drawbacks. A mattress that is too soft may not provide enough support for your spine, which can lead to back or neck pain. Additionally, for heavier sleepers or back sleepers, a soft mattress may not provide enough support, causing your body to sink too far into the mattress and compromising the quality of your sleep.

Considerations for choosing a soft mattress

When choosing a soft mattress, you need to consider your sleeping habits and physical needs. Side sleepers often benefit from a soft mattress because this mattress releases pressure from their shoulders and hips while providing enough support to keep the spine aligned. Additionally, lighter-weight individuals may also prefer soft mattresses because they don't sink into the mattress excessively and instead enjoy the pressure release and adaptability of the mattress.

However, back sleepers and heavier people may find that a soft mattress does not provide enough support. For them, a medium-firm or firm mattress may be a better option.

Soft mattresses offer a uniquely comfortable and adaptable sleeping experience. However, when choosing a soft mattress, you need to consider your sleeping habits and physical needs to ensure that you get the best mattress for you.

Medium-Soft to Medium-Firm Mattress: Characteristics and Applicable People

firm mattress topper

In the firmness scale of mattresses, Medium-Soft to Medium-Firm mattresses strikes a balance between softness and firmness, providing good pressure relief and proper support for the spine. Here's more information about medium-firm mattresses, including their features and who they're for.

Features of a medium-firm mattress

A medium-firm mattress combines the characteristics of both soft and firm mattresses to provide a balanced level of comfort and support. It has a fully elastic surface that follows the body's natural curves well, helping to distribute pressure while providing enough support to prevent the body from sinking or bending excessively during sleep.

Medium-firm mattresses are also typically made with a wide range of materials that may include innerspring, memory foam, latex, and more, all of which provide good comfort and support. Medium-firm mattresses also have excellent temperature-regulating properties for different climates and seasons.

In addition, medium-firm mattresses are also good at preventing disturbance transfer, which is important for people who share a bed with a partner.

Who a medium-firm mattress is suitable for

A medium-firm mattress is adaptable enough to meet the needs of most people. It is particularly good for side and back sleepers as it finds a good balance between releasing pressure and providing support.

For side sleepers, a medium-firm mattress provides good cushioning for the pressure points of the shoulders and hips, while still keeping the spine aligned. For back sleepers, a medium-firm mattress provides enough lumbar support to prevent the lower back from sinking too far.

Additionally, a medium-firm mattress is a good choice for those who are medium or slightly heavier, as it provides the right amount of support to prevent the body from sinking excessively, while still providing enough comfort.

A medium-firm mattress is ideal for many people because of its good balance and adaptability. However, it is important to note that when choosing a mattress, we need to take into account our individual physical condition, sleeping habits, and personal preferences in order to find the best mattress for us.

Firm Mattresses: characteristics, advantages, and Disadvantages, and Who They're for

firm mattress topper

Firm mattresses, as their name suggests, provide a firmer sleeping surface than other types of mattresses. Its unique characteristics make it the preferred choice for many specific types of sleepers. Next, we'll explore in detail the feel and experience of a hard mattress, its pros and cons, and key considerations for choosing a hard mattress.

The feel and experience of a hard mattress

The main feature of a hard mattress is its high resistance to compression, which means that it deforms relatively little under the weight of the body. This means that a hard mattress does a better job of supporting your body and keeping your spine aligned. When you lie on a hard mattress, you will feel that the mattress provides support evenly under your entire body, especially in the back and pelvic area.

However, hard mattresses have a relatively weak pressure release. This means that a hard mattress may not be effective at relieving pressure points on your body (such as your shoulders and hips), especially for side sleepers, which can lead to discomfort or pain.

Advantages and disadvantages of a hard mattress

The biggest advantage of a hard mattress is its excellent support. It provides firm support for the spine and the rest of the body, preventing the body from sinking too far. For back and belly sleepers, a hard mattress is effective in maintaining the natural curve of the spine, reducing back pain and neck pain. In addition, the firm sleeping surface of a hard mattress also facilitates the dissipation of body heat, helping to maintain a comfortable sleeping temperature.

However, the downside of a hard mattress is its weak pressure relief. For side sleepers and lightweight sleepers, a hard mattress may not provide enough relief for the body's pressure points, leading to discomfort or pain during sleep.

Considerations for Choosing a Firm Mattress

Key considerations for choosing a hard mattress include your sleep position, weight, and health condition. Back and belly sleepers, as well as heavy sleepers, tend to be better suited for a hard mattress because they need stronger support to keep their spine aligned and prevent their body from sinking. On the other hand, people with severe back pain or spinal problems may also benefit from a hard mattress because it provides stronger spinal support.

However, for side sleepers and lightweight sleepers, hard mattresses may not be the best choice as they may not provide enough relief for pressure points in the body. Additionally, if you're someone who likes to have some sinking feeling in your mattress, a hard mattress may not be right for you either.

Hard mattresses offer excellent support and comfort for specific types of sleepers. However, choosing a hard mattress also requires you to consider your personal needs and preferences to ensure you get the best possible sleep experience.

Extra Firm: Characteristics and Target Groups

extra firm mattress topper

A very firm mattress is the firmest of the mattress firmness levels. These mattresses are usually made of firm materials that provide maximum support and stability. Very firm mattresses offer advantages for certain specific needs and physical conditions but are not suitable for everyone. Below we will delve into the characteristics of very firm mattresses and who they are for.

The feel and experience of a very firm mattress

Very firm mattresses typically exhibit minimal pressure release and maximum support. These mattresses deform less under the weight of the body and maintain a certain shape and structure, providing maximum spinal support. 

Meanwhile, very firm mattresses have relatively little pressure release. Where your body comes into contact with the mattress, you may feel more pressure, especially in areas of heavier weight such as the shoulders and hips. This can lead to discomfort or pain during sleep for some people.

Pros and Cons of a Very Firm Mattress

The main advantage of a very firm mattress is that it provides maximum support, especially for the spine. This is very beneficial for people who have back or neck problems, or who need maximum support. In addition, a very firm mattress also reduces body movement and rolling, helping to improve sleep stability.

However, very firm mattresses also have their drawbacks. First, this type of mattress has a weak pressure release, which can lead to excessive pressure where the body touches the mattress, which can cause discomfort or pain. Second, for side sleepers, a very firm mattress may not provide enough pressure release, putting too much pressure on the shoulders and hips.

Considerations for Choosing a Very Firm Mattress

The primary factors you need to consider when choosing a very firm mattress are your physical needs and sleeping habits. This type of mattress is usually more suitable for back or belly sleepers as it provides maximum support for the spine and reduces bending and twisting of the spine. A very firm mattress is also a good choice for heavier people or those with severe back pain.

However, if you are a side sleeper or if you have a thin or small body, a very firm mattress may not be the best choice. In this case, you may need a mattress that provides more pressure relief for your shoulders and hips.

You also need to consider your personal preferences when choosing a mattress. Some people may prefer the firm feel that a very firm mattress gives, while others may prefer the soft and cozy feel of a softer mattress.

A very firm mattress can be a good choice in certain specific situations. However, when choosing this type of mattress, you need to carefully consider your physical needs, sleeping habits, and personal preferences to ensure that you find the best mattress for you.

How to choose the best mattress firmness level for you


Choosing the right mattress firmness level is an important step in improving the quality of your sleep and promoting good health. Everyone has unique physical needs and sleep preferences, and understanding these needs and combining them with the characteristics of your mattress can help you find the best mattress for you.

Understanding your sleep habits and needs

The first step in choosing a mattress firmness is to understand your sleep habits and needs. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Your sleep position: Side sleepers may be better suited to softer mattresses, which provide good pressure relief and better cushioning at the pressure points of the shoulders and hips. Back sleepers and stomach sleepers may be better suited to medium-firm or firmer mattresses, as these provide adequate support for the spine and prevent sinking.
  • Your weight: Lighter people may be better suited to softer mattresses because they put less pressure on the mattress and firmer mattresses may not provide enough cushioning for their pressure points. Conversely, heavier people may be better suited to firmer mattresses that provide adequate support and prevent excessive sinking.
  • Your health condition: Some health conditions, such as back pain, arthritis, or breathing difficulties, may affect your decision to choose a mattress firmness. For example, someone with back pain may need a firmer mattress to support the spine, while someone with arthritis may need a softer mattress to relieve pressure on the joints.

Try out mattresses and get professional advice

After you understand your sleeping habits and needs, you'll need to try out mattresses with different firmness levels. Many mattress companies offer a trial period to give you enough time to try out the mattress in your home and determine if it meets your needs. The trial period usually ranges from a few weeks to a few months, enough time for you to feel the impact of the mattress on your sleep and health.

It is also helpful to get professional advice. You can consult with a doctor, physical therapist, or sleep specialist who can give you more specific advice based on your physical condition and sleep habits.

Choose the best mattress firmness level for you

Based on the above factors, you can start choosing the mattress firmness level that best suits your needs. The mattress you choose should support your spine in maintaining good alignment, relieve pressure points, meet your comfort preferences, and fulfill your health and physiological needs.

Choosing a mattress firmness level is a personalized process that takes time and patience. Instead of rushing the process, try out as many mattresses with different firmness levels as you can, carefully observe how they affect your sleep and physical health, and then make the choice that's best for you.

As an expert in the mattress industry, Suilong Mattress understands that choosing the perfect mattress can be a complicated process. Everyone's needs and preferences are unique, which is why we offer a wide range of mattress firmness levels, from soft to very firm, to meet the needs of our diverse clientele.

In this complex selection process, we hope that the details above will help you better understand the importance of mattress firmness and be able to select the best mattress for you based on your own sleeping habits and needs.

If you have any further questions or need professional advice, our sales team and sleep consultants are more than happy to help. Remember, what matters most is your comfort and good quality sleep. Choose Suilong Mattress and enjoy a healthy night's sleep so you can wake up energized every day.

How to setup this spring mattress?
The manufacturer states wait 72 hours to fully inflate. I did notice it inflated in different spots. Mine fully inflated after 3 days. I love the spring mattress. It's perfect comfort level. I would wait three days.Typically it will expand within just a few hours.
How firm is this mattress? Is it suitable for children?
This mattress is medium firm with soft fabrics and supportive coil springs, my kids love it and it helps relieve my back pain
Is the mattress good for side sleepers and help with relieving pressure?
Yes! I sleep on my sides and back.and find it very soft and comfortable. I love this mattress. I had a lot of back and hip pain, since buying this I very rarely have any pain.

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